About Us

Altamus was created to encourage and inspire creativity and outside-of-the-box solutions.

Our Mission

Simplify complex problems.

Our Plan

Intuitive user interfacing and excellent customer service.

Our Vision

Useful products that anyone can use.


Software Development

Focused primarily on web-based applications, our project experience is extensive.

IT Consulting

We can provide advice on managing your existing hardware and software architectures.

Data Science

Got big data? We can handle it.

Hardware Design

Our design experience ranges from mechanical to PCB design. Give us a reason to fire up our 3D prototyping lab!

Environmental Consulting

Have an issue with environmental regulations? We can point you to resources for those questions as well.


Need help with something we do?

Contact Us

If you'd rather speak to a person than read a website, please reach out.



  • All
  • Logistics
  • Environmental


Volumetric Scanning


Data Acquisition and Handling


Stockpile Volume Measurements


Scans Performed


Cubic Feet Measured

The Hyperion volumetric scanning system delivers automated point cloud surface mapping and volume calculation. Our algorithm converts the raw data into an accurate and immediately usable volume within minutes of each scan.

Utilizing LIDAR technology from a fixed position, our devices do not require manned operation and are not subject to the limiting factors of drone flight or photogrammetry, like the availability of a pilot, or issues with image-conversion errors (shadows or night-time).

We know that raw data is neat, but it isn't what's important, so our user interface is simplified to first display current volume and tonnage, with the ability to easily get granular and see actual 3d representations of scans if needed.

*1% error demonstrated from recent studies of pile samples
Accuracy+/- 5% of capacity*
Power12VDC (solar available on request)
Per Scanner Range50-150 ft (depending on material reflectivity)
System RangeUnlimited (with multiple scanner merging)
Frequency1 scan/hour or equivalent as on-demand
Mounting3/4" NPT or 1-1/4" EMT

Emission Monitoring Software

STACguard Screenshot Thumbnail STACguard Screenshot 1 Thumbnail STACguard Screenshot 2 Thumbnail STACguard Screenshot 3 Thumbnail STACguard Screenshot 4 Thumbnail STACguard Screenshot 5 Thumbnail STACguard Screenshot 6 Thumbnail
Left Arrow Icon Left Arrow Icon

Drawing from over 40 years of experience in the environmental air sampling industry, STACguard (Systems Tracking, Analysis and Compliance Guard) delivers exactly what you need in a format that is easy to interpret and interact with. Our system operates in the background running on its own dedicated server and is interacted with via a custom designed web interface. That means that the software is not dependent on a single operating system, and can be accessed on any device with a web browser, including modern phones and tablets. This allows the end-user to remotely troubleshoot the system by performing tasks such as triggering calibrations and issuing commands to instruments.

"I received a text message alerting me that my system failed calibration and was able to fix the issue from home."

STACguard has the capability to handle data acquisition in a variety of different formats, communicating directly with instruments via digital or analog signals. We have worked with a number of reputable analyzer manufacturers to make communication setup seamless. Updating the underlying configurations is simple and requires no programming knowledge.

  • Web-based design
    • Multi-platform
    • Mobile use (phones, tablets, etc.)
    • No install required
    • Remote access and management
  • Understandable
    • Field status indicated by color
    • Tooltips explain data codes on mouse hover
    • Integrated help documentation and 24/7 phone support
  • Personalized Reports
    • Export data easily to excel
    • Customizable reports with savable configurations
  • Alarms
    • Instrument and system alarms
    • Email notifications and periodic reports
  • Support when you need it
    • Helpful support and frequent updates
    • Embedded help documents
    • Easy to update software configurations
    • Easily re-definable date-based emission limits
    • Remote management of instruments
    • Hot-swap instruments upon malfunction
  • Highly customizable
    • Build your own pages with pre-defined widgets
    • View data in graphical or tabular form
    • Continuously log a variety of averaging periods
    • Link data for continuous rolling averages
  • Special Features
    • Algorithms that allow you to predict rolling averages
    • Customized modeling solutions (i.e. mass balances, etc.)

Our Clients



Meet the leadership.

Kyle Ulmer, P.E.

Chief Executive Officer

William Dueease

Vice President

Kim Hasko

Chief Financial Officer

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you.


PO Box 6069, Gainesville, FL 32627-6069

Phone Number


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